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Valley Food Storage 25-year shelf-life Mac and Cheese review

Our finished product.
Valley Food Storage's Mac and Cheese
If you do an internet search for “long term storage food” you will find over 7 million results…give or take a few thousand. With so many companies jumping on the preparedness food bandwagon, how do you know which one to try?
Or more importantly, how do you figure out which one will deliver on their promises for taste, quality and storage time?

Short of borrowing The TARDIS™ from Dr. Who, I don’t have a way of confirming food quality 25
years from now, but I was certainly happy to accept the opportunity to review the taste and quality of Valley Food Storage’s Cheesy Mac when they contacted me.
  •  Product: Mac and Cheese
  • Manufacturer: Valley Food Storage
  •  Size: 5 Serving Pouch
  • Packaging: Hand sealed inside a Nitrogen flushed Mylar Pouch.
  • Shelf Life: 25 Year Shelf Life
  • Nutritional Information: No MSG, No Trans Fats, No Cholesterol
One thing that I noticed immediately when I landed on their website was the large button offering a