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Ready for Riots and Social Unrest?

Article written by guest blogger Dan F. Sullivan
Recent events have shown that one of the SHTF disasters that will continue to hit our western world is social unrest. Race and religion, poverty, people protesting on various social issues, these are some of the reasons people fight, scream, destroy, loot and even rape, to express their anger. All of these are happening in the US and Europe, not in some secluded 3rd world country.
Riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and, most recently, migrant and Muslim riots and protests in some European cities, prove that no one is truly safe from social unrest, even if they live in a small town. When people are out in the streets, surrounded by other people just as angry as they are, they act like wolf packs, thinking they’re above the law and that they can do anything.
It’s time to prepare for what’s coming and see what we can do to avoid getting trapped in the middle of such trouble.

Basic Preparation

Before we talk about how to actually deal with angry protesters, we need to talk about the basics. One of them is that you stockpile supplies for at least a week, maybe more. Why? Because, depending on the severity of the situation, you might be advised or even forced to stay inside for a long time.